
Equinox is a biannual, digital, multimedia journal that showcases writers and artists. We invite you to send us your poems, flash fiction, flash essay, photography, and art. We look for contemplative, argumentative, globally aware, despair-resistant, and apathy-abolishing works. 

Equinox values diversity, aims for inclusion, and does not tolerate hate speech in any form. The use of AI to create work is prohibited, and if detected, the person submitting AI-generated work will be barred from submitting to Equinox for current and future publications. 

Submission Guildelines
   You may submit up to 3 pieces in any one genre (poetry, flash prose, or image) for a reading fee of $5, which will be used toward ongoing programs and publications at hotpoet, and which will fund a $100 “best in show” prize for every category of work (poetry, flash prose, and image) in each edition of Equinox.

  1. You may submit more than three pieces or in multiple genres, but separate submissions are needed to do so and separate reading fees will be assessed for each.
  2. We do not accept previously published work, whether online, self-published, in chapbooks, in anthologies, or in literary journals. We do accept simultaneous submissions but ask that you immediately withdraw any piece that gets accepted elsewhere for publication. No identifying information should appear on the work itself. Please label all works with their titles when submitting (NOT "Poetry" or "Prose for Equinox", for example.)
  3. All submissions must be in standard font and formatting. Poetry should be single spaced with double spacing between stanzas. Prose should be double-spaced and include a word count. There is no line limit for poetry, but flash fiction and flash essay should be limited to 700 words. Images should be in png format.

Submission Period and Publication Date
    Our submission period begins on June 10, 2024, and ends August 12, 2024.

Theme:  Gaze into Space. As usual, this theme is open to your original response or singular spin on the concepts of “gaze” and/or of “space.” To get started, you might want to reflect on the many idioms and expressions that relate to space: 

outer space, inner space, personal space, free space, safe space, breathing space, take up space, pressed for space, living space, free up space, save a space, waste of space, lost in space, need my space, space cadet, space cowboy, space out…

not to mention, all those metaphors and figures of speech we use that center around space:

over the moon, once in a blue moon, shoot for the moon, living on another planet, aim for the stars, come back down to earth, many moons ago, love you to the moon and back, out of this world, down to earth, failure to launch, stars in your eyes, thank your lucky stars, like a black hole, everything under the sun, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to… 

Gaze into Space!

hotpoet, Inc.